June Film Night – The Business of Birth Control

Calling all women and parents of daughters!

Back by popular demand, I will be hosting another film screening of The Business of Birth Control at the Centre of Complementary Medicine in Petersfield next Friday 14th June, 2024.  The last one I held in Zambia back in April was a huge success.  We had women ranging in age from teenagers all the way up to 75.  and there was something new to learn for everyone. The conversation we shared after the screening with Dr Maryska Taylor who Zoomed in from Turks & Caicos was so rich, empowering and full of hope.

After experiencing first hand what 7 years on the pill did to my body and seeing and hearing countless stories of women put on hormonal birth control to mask menstrual symptoms only to then experience the fall out when they come off the pill, I’m passionate about sharing the facts on this topic.  I’m a mother to two daughters and I am going to do my level best to ensure my girls know their options, even if they then choose to go down the route of hormonal birth control, at least they will do so knowing the facts and knowing what alternatives are out there.  I will also be encouraging them to hold off until they are at least 19 (if they absolutely have to go down the synthetic hormone route) so that they can at least give their little bodies/systems a chance to develop and figure themselves out before shutting down the entire system.

The documentary is pretty provocative and after the screening there will be a chance for an open discussion on the topics raised and an opportunity to explore alternative options to the hormonal contraceptive pill. Come join us for a glass of something, some light nibbles and tuck into an enriching conversation.

There are only a few spots left so please do RSVP by email to me if you would like to reserve a seat.

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